A Desktop Application Containing the Most Used Image Processing Alghorithms in Python


It is to test image processing algorithms in Python independently from the command line screen.

Python’da en çok kullanılan Face Detection (Yüz Algılama), Object Detection (Nesne Algılama) , OCR (Karakter Algılama) , Edge Detection (Köşe Algılama), Image Gradients ( Görsel Gradyanları ), Convexity Defects (Dış Bükeylik Kusurları) , Smoothing Images (Görsel Bulanıklaştırma) ,Image Pyramids (Görüntü Piramitleri) olarak görüntü işleme alanında kullanılan algoritmaların görsel bir şekilde kullanıcı etkileşiminin sağlanabilmesidir.


  • Using Haar-Cascade it can detect face on picture, video and camera.

  • Using Yolov4 it can detect objects on pictures, videos and cameras.

  • Using Teseract OCR text detection can be done from the image.

  • Edge Detection can be performed on Picture, Video and camera..

  • Sobel-X, Sobel-Y and Laplace Gradient transformations can be created on the image.

  • It can detect Convexity Defects on the image.

  • Resme Smooth,Median and Gaussian Smoothing operations can be applied to the image.

  • Image Pyramids can be created by combining two images.

About Project

Desktop Application

Try image processing filters independently from the command line, with the modern interface developed in Tkinter

Artificial Intelligence

Perform face and object detection using pre-trained deep learning models.

Image Processing

Test many image processing filters such as face detection, object detection, smoothing using Image Processing filters

Python Programming Language

Process images on all platforms thanks to software developed using the Python Programming Language

